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Nicola Giacintucci, osteopata a Milano, offre trattamenti osteopatici personalizzati per pazienti anziani, migliorando la mobilità e alleviando i dolori cronici. Prenota una consulenza oggi!

Osteopathy for the over 65s

Reduces chronic pain improving quality of life

Negli ultimi anni, il numero di pazienti over 65 che si rivolgono all'osteopatia è cresciuto notevolmente.

Questo approccio terapeutico si è dimostrato efficace nel trattamento delle problematiche muscolo-scheletriche comuni negli anziani, offrendo sollievo dal dolore e migliorando la qualità della vita.

Musculoskeletal problems
in the elderly

As we age, the body undergoes various changes that can lead to pain and dysfunction. Decreased tissue regeneration and vulnerability to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and spinal degeneration are common among older adults. Posture tends to deteriorate, resulting in increased muscle stiffness and difficulty with daily activities.

How Osteopathy Can Help

Osteopathy is based on manual techniques that aim to improve joint mobility, reduce stiffness and relieve tight muscles. Through gentle and non-invasive manipulations, osteopathy helps the body compensate for the changes related to aging, promoting better functionality and a reduction in pain.

Main benefits

  • Pain Reduction : Osteopathic techniques can relieve chronic pain associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis and sciatica. This leads to a decrease in the need for anti-inflammatory medications, thus reducing potential side effects.

  • Improved mobility : Osteopathic treatment helps restore joint and muscle mobility, improving the ability of older adults to carry out their daily activities.

  • Prevention of complications : Early intervention with osteopathy can prevent the worsening of degenerative diseases and improve the quality of life, keeping the elderly more active and independent.

  • Psychological support : Osteopathy is not limited to physical treatment; the empathetic and human aspect of the treatment can improve the psychological well-being of older people, who often feel marginalized or distant.

Trattamento osteopatico su anziana signora, fatto dal Dott. Giacintucci osteopata nel suo studio a Milano.

The best osteopathy treatments in Milan

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